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There Is Never A Time When Losing Money Makes Sense!

If you ever realize you are missing the mark on your marketing or trying to sidestep some of the principles we’ve discussed on this blog or in one of our trainings (like setting a marketing budget before having a clear Strategic Marketing plan)… STOP!  Nothing says you have to keep spending money doing things that don’t work!  Of course, tracking your results is mission critical…otherwise you could be losing money and not even know it. Yep, seen it happen loads of times!

Your Marketing Strategy sees the whole picture, so you can know if the loss is really a loss or not. What do I mean by this? On a lead-generator campaign, a “loss leader” like a webinar, free or low-cost download or other part of the overall strategy may or may not be a profit center. In multi-step marketing the lead “candy” often is part of the cost of sales, not a profit center in and of itself. The Cash Flow Generator infomercial didn’t start out making money, but the overall campaign created over $1911 per lead in profit on the back-end, so the investment — key word — paid off.

We were able to continually refine the campaign so it DID make money upfront, about .42 for ever dollar spend. Not great if our strategic objective was to make money upfront on our sales. But (this should be obvious) that was not our strategy. We created an “endless lead machine” that had exceptional profits, enough to fuel 14 years of use… more than any other lead-generating infomercial in history (more than most any other category of lead-gens too, for that matter!)

Be open to the fact that the way it’s always been done may not be the best approach to get the results you desire.  WEB3Direct will help you analyze your current marketing, and introduce other methods to enhance it or replace it.  We never assume everything you’ve been doing is wrong… we simply realize that everything deserves to be challenged and improved upon.  That’s what business – and marketing — are all about.

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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