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Mix Up Your Marketing!

Every product or service requires a unique marketing mix to succeed. Different markets respond differently, and even the individuals within those markets respond to different media and messages.  A well-thought out marketing mix is a key component of a clear Marketing Strategy.

We recently had a sunglass manufacturer approach us who was intent on selling his products solely by radio.  He was convinced radio was THE medium to use.  We explained that other, more visual media would better display his product (think about it!), but he was adamant.  We wished him good luck in his quest.  WEB3Direct works with you to find the right mix for your products and services from the wide variety of options available, including TV, radio, direct mail, print, billboards, and others.  A good mix should consider non-traditional marketing avenues such as the Internet, DVDS/CDs, pay-per-click, and more. 

Not every product requires a TV infomercial or Superbowl spot. Certain products work great with direct marketing online, while others should include traditional media to increase the reach and frequency of the message, such as radio.  Maybe a strong PR campaign with a series of press releases will bring you the fastest results. Finding the right marketing mix is like finding your marketing “sweet spot,” where your message is reaching the most people in your market, in ways they accept and respond to in the greatest numbers.  Finding that mix is a WEB3Direct specialty!

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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