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Different Media Require Different Strategies

It doesn’t do to take your company brochure and reproduce it on your website, hire an actor to say it out loud on TV and radio, and turn it into a space ad for the Times.  Your market is unique demographically, and they are unique psychographically, in the way they think.  In fact, they are in a different psychographic place mentally and emotionally when they are reading the paper vs. driving in traffic and tuned in to the radio, or when they are binge-streaming their favorite show or skimming through emails. 

Your message must be tailored to meet them where they are at the time, customized to use all the elements of the media or channel they are tuned into in that moment. It’s less effective (and lazy) to try to simply reproduce the message infinitely, without customizing it to fit the media.  

When we work with you, we help you develop your core message-to-market with a comprehensive “concept piece” that we can adapt and fine-tune to use the specific attributes of individual media outlets to their greatest advantage. This is the only way we know to be sure your message will reach your customer in new and interesting ways… to get their Attention, build their Interest, create Desire and generate Action that’s a real
“Tell me more!” response and not a yawn!

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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