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You Can Get Some Of The People Some Of The Time

But if you try to get everyone in your demographic marketplace, you’ll fall on your face.  And you’d be miserable even if you did.

No campaign or strategy has ever had 100% appeal in the market.  In ANY market.  It’s the incremental increases that matter.  It doesn’t pay to try to be all things to all people, because you’ll never manage to accomplish this goal. 

When you try to be all things to all people, you end up being nothing to no one!

And not only that, you really don’t WANT to be all things to all people in your market.  You want to be the BEST, most trusted resource for those Ideal Clients in your market who relate to you and feel an affinity with you. 

We’ll go one step further.  Sometimes it makes sense to fire some of your customers.  The high-maintenance ones that give you migraines, the ones that are never satisfied, the ones that need constant hand-holding. 

Your Marketing Is What’s Attracting Them!

The 80/20 rule of life applies in business as well:  we often can waste 80% of our time working on the minority of our market that generates 20% of our revenue. 

The trick in business and marketing is to turn the numbers upside down and spend the bulk of our time (the 80%) on the share of the market (the 20%) that will generate the most revenue for the least effort.  Your people will thank you for it!  So, forget about trying to get ALL of the people in your demographics. It will never happen! You want the people that will buy, and who WANT to do business with a great company like yours!  Send the grouchy ones to your competitors, and they will both be happier!

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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