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When In Doubt, Aim For The Target!

You know us well enough to know that we tend to avoid marketing and sales slang language, especially when it uses aggressive, militaristic and dehumanizing language. This example is one we’ll use here for clarity, because so many of us have shared experiences that make the analogy clear.

Summer childhood, summer activities and games. If you were ever in summer camp, nobody had to tell you to aim at the bullseye!  Why is targeted, focused marketing such a foreign concept to so many businesses? 

We are regularly contacted by companies that have never considered focusing their marketing efforts.  Some have invested in years of mass media marketing, throwing millions of dollars at vast numbers of readers and viewers who will never, ever be qualified prospects, let alone customers! I mean, do you really care how many thousands see a particular billboard (or popup or Google ad)? NO! What matters more is how many respond…who are qualified…and who become clients. 

Target marketing means your message gets delivered to a richer concentration of probable, even qualified prospects!   WEB3Direct believes that no matter what your business sells, there are many ways to better refine your marketing, so you get more “bang for your buck!”

After all, it’s not about “Get all you can, and can all you get!” It’s about quality messaging to the most Ideal Prospects, through a channel they pay attention to and creating a response asking you to “Tell me more!”

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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