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Your Unique Value Proposition Isn’t About You. It’s About THEM.

Just as your Unique Value is all about your Ideal Clients’ perceptions, your Unique Value Proposition (or UVP) highlights that value with Crystal Clear Language they instantly understand.


Sometimes called Unique Selling Propositions (USP), most companies’ UVP’s blab about how great they are — basically empty words that sound good but say nothing — instead of telling what you actually bring to your clients. 


Your UVP should show you understand their frustrations, challenges and needs –their “Why” drivers — AND explain the Transformation YOU Will Bring To Them!


Answering their “Whys” will reveal your Unique Value Proposition…to THEM!


We use a highly-detailed process to really nail down your uniqueness over anyone else in your markets.  We drill down until we have a UVP so profound and special, we know we can create explosive awareness and response for you nationally or internationally.


However, even this simple formula will help you dramatically improve your own UVP right now:


Step 1: Define your Ideal Prospect as precisely as you can — whom do you help? (Hint: Avoid “anyone,” “everyone” and “whoever”!)


Step 2: In a very few words describe the problem, challenge, issue or frustration they are wrestling with — that you will help them solve (some call this their “pain”)


Step 3:  What is the transformation they will experience, what’s in it for them?


Example:  “I help women age 50-65 who have been divorced answer the question, “‘Now what?'”


Now complete the following:


1) “I help…(As precisely as possible, identify Your Ideal Client)



2)”Who…(what is their chief Struggle, Frustration, Problem, etc. that you solve)



3) “To…(what is the Transformation, Experience, or Results they will experience)”



As important as this is to your success, it’s amazing how rarely we see a business with a strong UVP!


This simple model explains your uniqueness to them by focusing on their results when they do business with you.  Practice saying this until it becomes easy and natural and flows with energy, clarity and confidence and compels your listeners to say, “Tell me more!”


Can you see the power of this in your life and business?  Let me know how this will enhance your approach to your business and your market!

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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