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KPIs Are History Part 4: The Marketing+Sales Partnership

When Marketing has the “soft intel” — the psychographic “Why Drivers” behind your prospects’ decision making, they can speak to them so precisely that unwanted leads go down and qualified leads go up. Instead of inbound calls starting with “OK, what’s this about…what’ve you got?” they start with “What’s my next step?”

It doesn’t require a crystal ball or magic to accomplish this!

It DOES require a structure and a process…it will not happen “organically.”

The ONLY solution to the Marketing-Sales Disconnect is to create a systemized way for Sales to communicate with Marketing and share what they’re running into every day: a Marketing+Sales Partnership.

Sales is on the front line, talking to and listening to prospects and customers day in and day out.  When you create a structure for them to seamlessly share what they know with Marketing, a Marketing Team trained to adapt to this powerful “soft intel” can fine-tune your message until it answers every objection up front, BEFORE people even respond the first time.

And just as important, this intel will help Marketing know Who they need to eliminate, instead of wasting your sales team’s time.

These people will literally self-exclude themselves if the message is clear enough.  In fact, the better you get at eliminating who you don’t want, the better you’ll get at zeroing in on the prospects you want most, and prepping them for their conversation with Sales.

This isn’t about “pain points” and “hot buttons”, “overcoming objections” or “hammer closes”. 

Forget about some imaginary “avatar” you’re speaking to.  This is about understanding the living, breathing, emotional, complex person that your Ideal Client really is. 

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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