Lynn Rose
~Lynn Rose,
Web3Direct by Emerson Brantley
You Can Keep Doing The Same Old, Tired Marketing You've Always Done Before...OR You Can Choose To Embrace Your Market!
(Could It Be You’re Somehow Attracting The ‘Wrong’ People…?)
Sounds good, doesn’t it? But for something this revolutionary to become reality in YOUR business, you first need to FORGET most of what you’ve ever THOUGHT or FELT about marketing up till now!
I’d like you to start thinking of your market as real people – individuals with wants, needs and desires just like you. What they are not is any warm body with a credit card! You only want the people who want to be your customer, and see you as their best and only solution.
But Emerson, how can they “want me” when they don’t even know me? Did anybody “want” Facebook before they knew what it was? How about the iPhone? You are already the perfect choice for a certain segment of the population – they just don’t know YOU yet! Your current advertising and marketing probably just isn’t reaching out and embracing them! Instead, most marketing messages are generic, casting as wide a net as possible to attract as many people as possible. This attracts all sorts of people, including many you don’t want but have to put up with! But wouldn’t you rather deal with people who respect you, trust you and want to do business with you? You can, by changing the messages and signals you are sending your market! Your ideal client wants to know your true voice, your passion for what you do and how much you care about your cherished customers. The people who resonate most with this kind of marketing message will be more like-minded. The Spanish refer to these as compadres, because it implies a deeper relationship than just any old acquaintance. It’s these “Client Compadres” that are looking for someone just like you, someone they relate to and trust. They’re just waiting for you to tell them! To Embrace Your Market is to develop the understanding, feel and intuitive ability to see deep into the lives of the people in your market who already want YOU, and let them know you exist!
~Lynn Rose,
~John Assaraf,$5 Billion in sales,2 Public Companies,, Brain Expert Featured in the Blockbuster Movie "The Secret"
“What? That’s nuts! I thought ‘casting a wide net’ was a good thing!” What most business owners don’t realize is that you can be wildly successful with only a fraction of the total market and have much less stress! Don’t believe me? Consider a typical marketing scenario now:
You decide to run some type of advertising or promotional campaign. Maybe the radio or TV salesperson sold you on two weeks of spots, or the newspaper gal worked out a special deal on ads, or maybe the guy from the printer told you how good postcards were working, so you decided to go with it. Your campaign goes live and people respond with a click, a call or a visit to your business.
Let’s assume they call you! Since all kinds of people are responding, you have to figure out if they’re qualified or not, so you begin probing: “How can I help you, what are you looking for today?… have you considered?… what about?… what’s your budget?… timeframe?…” etc. You sift, sort and separate.
On average, 80% of them are just looking or not ready: a dead-end. This is so common it has a name: The Pareto Principle, or the “80-20” rule.
All of your revenues and profits come from the remaining 20% of the marketplace!(Think of the money you could save if you could just talk to the 20% to begin with! You CAN! Better yet, think of all the money you’ll save when YOU, not some media salesperson, is directing your marketing and controlling your own destiny!) But now, dig a little deeper and be honest with yourself: Is everyone in that remaining 20% worthy of being a Client Compadre just because they wave some plastic and buy from you? How about all the…
When you begin to Find Your TRUE Market WITHIN Your Marketplace -- Your Ideal Clients -- you’ll find these negative time- and energy-drainers will STOP coming to you. The Embrace Your Market approach will is designed to attract people to you who will treat you the way they treat a friend… and repel the rest! Now you're really getting down to the cream of the crop: the 20% of the 20%!
Here are the characteristics of an "Ideal Client"...see if you agree!
Unfortunately, chances are your current marketing isn’t attracting these folks and may even be repelling the ones you want and attracting the ones you don't! In fact, most “marketing talk” -- dominate, crush, kill -- sounds more like an assault or war… or a “seek and destroy” mission against your prospective customers, rather than trying to start a long-term relationship built on value!
Marketing Can and Should Be Win-Win! I strongly believe your customers should feel elevated and enriched by their relationship with you: They WIN! And by simply doing business with you again and again, they VALIDATE your values, character and vision, so YOU WIN! You can enjoy deep satisfaction knowing you enhanced their life and added value, while experiencing more profit and less stress in your life than ever before!
~Kathy Eppley,
~Don Johnson, Investor
Here’s the difference between what I want to share with you and how it differs from just about every other marketing approach I know of. Let’s say your business sells bicycles and bicycle accessories. The traditional marketer would just put out pictures and descriptions, specs and prices.When you Embrace Your Market, you recognize that your business is more than selling stuff, you are feeding a passion! You will focus on individuals who love the sport, treasure their bikes and value quality components. You may create a forum where cyclists can exchange their ideas, challenges and questions. You may choose to recognize top client-cyclists, or start a charity gifting bikes to underprivileged kids. You will reach out for insights from your customers to create new product lines, special events and more. The difference is like night and day and it is the difference between assaulting your market and learning to EMBRACE Your Market!
Because what I’m sharing is based on over 30 years as a Master Marketing Strategist and Copywriter. During my career I have completed over 8600 online and offline marketing campaigns using every possible media, for all kinds of businesses and markets, Fortune 100 to entrepreneurs, with results like these...
In addition to my professional success I have spent decades of studying and learning everything I can about my profession through classes, courses, books, training and personal mentoring from top individuals in my field. But I consider equally important the values of the family I grew up in and especially the many strong, smart women in my life. Even today their powerful continues to give me a unique understanding and advantage, because I see markets as individuals and the goal of marketing to establish and build deeper customer relationships… helping you to Embrace Your Market.
~Pat Gage, Speaker, Author, Developer
~Kim McFarland & Tom Vizzini,
Look at it this way: In most cases when a customer buys from you, it’s just a transaction, a temporary relationship or none at all (until they need something again). A true Client Compadre is a friend who knows the sale is just one step in an ongoing relationship, one they want to continue. These are powerful techniques you can utilize once you can begin to tap into your intuitive nature and trust your market. You Are Empowered to grow your marketing consistently from today forward with amazing results!
~Shawn Rae, Florida Reverse Mortgage Center
~Shirley Perlinger, S & G Services
First determine who you WANT as customers and who you don’t want. Then create messages to attract the ones you WANT...and gently repel the ones you don't! A tall order to be sure. But I intend to make it easy for you. I have narrowed down 3 Specific Processes ANY business can use to take your marketing to the next level: Using The Embrace Your Market System…
Strategy, Message And Validation For Greater and Greater Success!
Step 2: Together we will create the perfect Message that will resonate with your true market!
Step 3: Together we will utilize simple methods to track, measure and refine your message for ongoing results!
I really enjoy getting face-to-face with my clients, and becoming their Change Agent to grow their business with less stress! However, as much as I would love to sit down and work with every single business owner in America personally, we both know that isn’t practical. So to make it possible for YOU to energize and activate all of these key components in YOUR Business NOW, I’ve compiled everything I would personally do with if we were together in easy to use modules. Each Module in includes:
This complete system will revolutionize your marketing and help you Embrace Your Market fast!
Get crystal clear on where you stand in your marketing (and where you want your business to go) To know your market you need to really know yourself (and your business). This awareness points to the ideal client and the messages that will Embrace Your Market. We’ll analyze your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) and see where you and your business REALLY stands in terms of your marketing effectiveness. I have continually refined this process over the last 30+ years of coaching and consulting clients, often with dramatic results. Your answers to my in-depth questions will guide you to the precise direction and decisions you need right now! This Comprehensive SWOT Process Specifically Helps You…
Your UVP or Unique Value Proposition is what your ideal clients will relate to most. Finding it and expressing it is essential, period. Your business, your products and services are defined by their own merits but most of all BECAUSE Of YOU! You have infused your business with your own personality, values, ethics and energy. Once you begin expressing your unique positioning you will be able to focus your marketing efforts (and money) better, completely bypassing the 80% who will never buy, AND cause those old negative folks to stop coming around! Instead you will ATTRACT MORE of your Ideal Clients as you Embrace Your Market! Your uniqueness is priceless! And once you get it clear in your heart and mind, your True Client Compadres will come out of the woodwork to do business with you! I guide you carefully through the process of discovering your own UVP, using the guidebook as well as video and audio training. In this module you’ll discover…
Your USP lets your market know that you aren’t just a good choice, but the One and ONLY Choice That Makes Sense For Your Ideal Clients To Do Business With!
~Dr. Pankaj Naram, Televised Health & Healing Broadcast, 150 million viewers, health consultant to St. Mother Theresa, H.H. Dalai Lama, and over a million others in 108 countries
~Edwin Kelly,$30 Billion Managed Assets,40,000 Clients,Largest U.S. Trust Company,Equity Trust
(PLUS You Can Receive A PERSONALIZED Review Of Your SWOT Diagnostic & Specific Action Plan, a $1,250 Value, when you order your Embrace Your Market System RIGHT NOW!)
~Mark Waldman,Bestselling Author "How God Changes Your Brain" (with Andrew Newberg,MD),an Oprah Must Read Book
~Adam Urbanski, Millionaire Marketing Mentor
Using what you discovered from your SWOT analysis and by creating your powerful, new UVP, we’ll begin crafting the exact message your Ideal Clients want to hear... and will enthusiastically respond to! The key is to always communicate your message in sincere, benefits-driven, language that tells your prospective Client Compadre what value you will add to Enhance her life. How would a world-class copywriter do this? Well, to start with, think about a Client Compadre as you would a close friend, someone you know well. Imagine sitting down with her at your favorite coffee shop. You know her lifestyle, her passions, her joys and her frustrations. Think about how you would tell this friend about the things that would interest her about your business. The things that would enhance her life, ease her stress, solve her problems. This is the beginning of a great marketing message.
When you relate to customers like a friend, they will be eager to build a business relationship with you!
In this module I give you a step-by-step Copywriting Blueprint that lets you look over my shoulder as we create an actual, compelling sales letter together. The same process works for ads, webpages, email sequences, or any other methods you use to reach your market. This is the MOST Powerful Formula You will ever find to craft the perfect message for your market! I explain each section of a classic sales piece, ask you thought-provoking questions and together we’ll choose the exact wording for the headline, the offer and everything else, including…
This simple process will equipped you to write your message in your own voice. To make it even easier I’ve compiled dozens of headline, copywriting starters, brainstorming ideas and themes you can use to get your mental juices flowing and get going fast!
Finally, I also walk you through this entire creative process on video, showing you exactly how to use these resources to your greatest advantage so YOU can craft the perfect message your Client Compadres are waiting to hear!
~Doug Ottersberg, Success Mindset Mastery
~Angela Albright,CEO Automate My Online Marketing
So You KNOW precisely which messages are working… and which ones are not! Yes, there IS a point where we need to look at numbers. Numbers tell us which movies are loved and which are not. They tell us which products are outselling others at the supermarket. And, they will tell you if your message is motivating your market to respond. No need to be intimidated by these scientific tools. I’ll show you how to use them to fine-tune your message and increase response with each effort. I give you the 12 Most Powerful Success Metrics so you can know with absolute certainty how well your marketing is working, all the time! Different methods — email, click-thrus, radio, print, etc.– require different measuring sticks to gauge their success I give them all to you and show you exactly how to use them, then I walk you through each and every one: when to use it, when not, and when another is the better choice. You will discover…
I’ve found most business owners Don’t Even KNOW These Tools EXIST, or that there is ANYTHING This POWERFUL ANYWHERE to help you understand your market. NOW YOU WILL… without spending millions of dollars in the process! You’ll be working SMARTER and spending MUCH LESS than businesses that fumble along in the dark, never knowing what’s working and what isn’t! The lazy marketer runs the ads or campaigns over and over. But only by continuously refining your message can you really get to know and EMBRACE Your Market. They will LOVE you for it, because you are LISTENING to them! Are you beginning to see how all these components are interrelated to achieve greater success in your marketing AND your business faster, with LESS Stress, fewer headaches and LESS Cost?
~Alison Palmer, Custom Maid Housekeeping, Past National President, ARCSI (Association of Residential Cleaning Services International)
~J.V. Crum,
New knowledge always generates new questions—some you never even considered before! As you discover more you understand more, and you find this creates new, exciting questions. So even though your Embrace Your Market System includes everything you need to revolutionize your marketing efforts, I am including these additional bonuses to help you in a more personal, ongoing way:
As I teach and speak around the world I continually find new ways to handle difficult marketing challenges or discover new, successful campaign ideas. To share them with you I will record short “video vignettes” that get the points across in bite-size chunks that don’t require you to set aside an hour or more in one sitting. A video may be a revealing discussion with a client or students at an event or on a coaching call. I may interview an expert in a specific area that will enhance your marketing success. Or, I may dissect a specific campaign from start to finish. My goal is always to help you to grow and excel with deeper and deeper understanding and skills to truly Embrace Your Market! Our normal Advanced Video Training subscription is $99 a month, or $594 for six months.
This is where you can ask urgent questions and solve your challenges live. Twice a month you’ll be on a live call where you can learn and exchanges ideas with me and other students. We share what’s working, pitfalls to avoid and marketing successes from a variety of industry and business sectors. This “cross pollination” of ideas is invaluable: while your local competitors are copying each other, you will be able to utilize ideas and techniques from totally different markets! You Pick The Topics as we engage in…
In addition you will receive ADDITIONAL “Mission Critical” Resources which are different for each group and tailored to the participants’ specific needs. Each session is recorded so even if you miss one you can still review it later in our members area. Our normal subscription to these empowering Monthly calls is $199 a month, so this represents a $1794 additional value.
I want the chance to meet you and discuss your marketing needs personally. However, at $2500 an hour my consultation time is beyond the reach of many small business owners. That’s why, for my own “Client Compadres”, I hold an exciting and energizing live event twice a year called “Massive Marketing Breakthrough LIVE”. You’ll receive TWO Tickets, each a $1497 value when you get your Embrace Your Market system today. Select any city or date for up to three years from the date of your purchase. Attend the very next one as my guest or go through all the materials first and begin actively using what you learn, then attend at a later date. Your choice. At the End of Just Two Days You Will Have Your…
Each of these empowering events is unique! We hold morning and afternoon sessions covering a wide variety of topics to help you Embrace Your Market, such as:
There will also be “Hot Seats” where you get professional feedback and input on your biggest marketing challenge. And Our Most Popular Session Of All, “Emerson Unplugged!”, where you get to throw me the toughest, most frustrating marketing questions and problems you are facing and get my direct feedback and input — no holds barred!
~Cheryl Jack, Performance Expert
~Charlie Price, Attorney
#1 – You’ll Have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to all of the manuals and their accompanying audios and videos immediately. Read and review them for 30 days and participate on our group calls. If you don’t find you have a deeper understanding of your marketing and your true market, simply ask for and receive a full refund, no questions asked. #2 – Honestly use and apply the Embrace Your Market System for 6 full months. Actively participate in our live coaching and events so your questions and specific needs are addressed. If, after 6 months, you feel you have not experienced increased effectiveness in your marketing, found new areas of opportunity you were missing before, and gotten a clear vision for your uniqueness, your brand, your positioning and exactly WHO your real market is, you may ask for and receive a personal consultation and continue to receive the live coaching and video updates for up to another full year, for no additional cost to you. With This Double Guarantee, You Can Begin To Embrace Your Market Now With Confidence!
While there is no way to put all the marketing experiences over 30 years into one program, I have taken the most important “Mission Critical” components—elements I’ve used with hundreds of clients to revolutionize their marketing—and combined them into this step-by-step program. If you are tired of “high-maintenance” customers and time-wasters, if you worry you're not getting the results you could from your marketing dollars, if you are ready for less effort, less stress and the ability to enjoy working with more of your Ideal Clients and less of the rest, then I encourage you to take me up on this unique opportunity, and begin to Embrace Your Market NOW!
~Mark Kaplan,Venture Capitalist,Founder Club Asteria Foundation
Module 1: | Determine Your Strategy & UVP! Get Real Clear On Where You Stand In Your Business and Your Marketing! – $997 Value |
Module 2: | Create The Message That Will Speak Directly To Your Ideal Clients...Those True "Compadres” You Want To Respond Most! – $997 Value |
Module 3: | Use Smart Testing To Validate and Fine-Tune Your Message and Improve Your Results! – $497 Value |
Bonus 1: | Six Months Advanced Video Training – $594 Value |
Bonus 2: | Six Months Live Group Strategic Coaching and Training – $1794 Value |
Bonus 3: | Massive Marketing Breakthrough LIVE!” – $2994 Extra Value |
Reporters, Editors, Bloggers & Others In The Media LOVE Uniqueness, And Are Eager To Promote You And Your Business To The World!
The media wants NEWS! They don't want your sales pitch! Most PR firms create milquetoast press releases devoid of ANY urgency or call to action... with the mistaken belief that this is the only way to get PR published. Nothing could be farther from the truth!
The trick is writing Direct Response PR the media will embrace, while embedding your core message to your market in ways that your Ideal Clients will respond to as well!
I have successfully created PR Campaigns locally, regionally, nationally and even internationally, with results like 3000 media events (in a single weekend!), 90% pick-up by targeted media, over $100,000 in instant coverage locally and programs that catapulted unknowns to national prominence! I've taken the sum of what I've found and experienced and shared this knowledge with you in this special course, designed with you and your needs in mind as a small business owner, including...
In the accompanying video training I share even more with you about this awesome resource and how to use it to your greatest advantage. When the media recognizes that you understand their needs and are working WITH them, they will champion you and your company from now on!
PLUS! I Include Dozens Of Top FREE And Paid PR Submission Sites... I give you ALL the ones I use and others, some industry-specific or geographically-specific, so you can ALWAYS get your word out fast!
This complete course module is $797 when purchased separately. It's my gift to you as a Special Added Bonus when you invest in your complete Embrace Your Market System now!
In this complimentary video, you will get IMMEDIATELY ACTIONABLE STEPS that have been PROVEN effective in thousands of businesses worldwide.