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Decide Who You DON’T Want First!

Everybody gets them… most just deal with them.  They are put into your life to create misery… and they cost you untold amounts of money every year.  Who are they?  The clients you wish you didn’t have.  What do you do with the “High Maintenance” ones, the…


  • Whiners
  • Gripers
  • Cheaters
  • Impossible To Satisfy
  • Deadbeats
  • Poison


First, GIVE Them Away!


Some say “fire them!” but I take a kinder, gentler approach.  Be nice, but GIFT them to your top competitors.   Make it clear you want them to be served and they deserve better than you can offer.  Then refer them directly to another provider.


This will confuse your competition like crazy!  The amazing thing is, almost every time, your problem child will LOVE the new arrangement and your competitor will think they’re terrific too!  Remember,there really is someone for everyone… but it doesn’t mean they’re all right for you!


Second, Your Message Is Attracting Them…STOP!


Change your languaging and you’ll change who responds.  The more you Stand In Your Value and let your messaging reflect that value, the more you will attract like-minded people as clients, customers or patients.


Look at your copywriting… is it an “open border” or does it restrict who gets to do business with you?

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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