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Competition? What Competition?

How many other companies do what you do?  A hundred?  A thousand?  Who is the market leader?  Who’s number two?  You probably know, but how do you know!?


How many books or seminars explain your program, product or service or advise on the “best” option for online?  What about free reports, ebooks, webinars, podcasts…and oh yes, let’s not forget the know-it-all brother-in-law (isn’t there always one lurking in the background?)


You may not even consider some of these as “competing” with you but in the mind of your suspect or prospect, they’re all vying for attention.  In fact, competition only exists in two places:


1) Your prospects’ minds


2) Your mind!


That may seem obvious or trite, but the reality is this:


When competition doesn’t exist in your mind, it won’t exist in theirs!


Once you really get the Embrace Your Market concepts, especially Stand in Your Value, you will begin to project and convey a message of absolute uniqueness that will separate you out from every other option in their life.


What makes you stand out?  Your people?  Your products?  Your services?  A corporate culture that supports positive attitudes like “Whatever it takes!” and “Go the extra mile!”?


How would 100 of your customers answer these questions?  OK, let’s make it harder! You know your company is unique.  Most of your customers do, too… but what about everyone else?  Who’s message is in their heads?  What is their opinion of you, right now?  How would 100 prospective Ideal Clients answer… who DON’T do business with you yet?


Your Number One Branding Objective:  Crystal Clear Positioning!


On the “stage” of your Ideal Prospects’ minds stands every possible option I listed above and more!  Your message needs to be so on-target it ALL the other options fall off the stage… leaving ONLY YOU, their one-and-only BEST choice.


There is only one biggest.  There is only one cheapest. There are unlimited “Bests”


That’s because “Best” is very personal to each person.  Think about the clients, customers or patients you have now for whom this concept is true:  YOU Are Their Number One Choice.  We call this holding their “First Position” in their mind.


These are the ones your entire message should be focused on. Speak to them, and sales will become easier, create more revenues per customer and greater lifetime value.  And you’ll enjoy life a whole lot more!

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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