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Your Ideal Client

If you’ve followed my Maxims taken steps to Decide Who You Don’t Want First using The Law of Repulsion in your marketing message, you’ve probably also begun to narrow down your Ideal Client more (an Inch Wide and Mile Deep!)


So who is your perfect customer?  What makes them tick?  The more you can understand them, the clearer and more effective your message will be.


We’re talking a lot more than demographics like their age, race, gender, income and all the rest.  For B2B this goes beyond company size, SIC code, revenues or number of employees.  Most — or all of these are the results of decisions made in the past.


You want to understand their inner drivers, their psychographics.  Why they make the life choices and business choices they make.  What are their reasons…their frustrations, worries, doubts, fears, joys and meaning?


Oh, you mean my “Avatar?”


Avatars are FAKE People, Ideal Clients are Real, Multi-Layered Human Beings!


Get to know your Ideal Client intimately.  Understand their real needs and what drives them.


Everyone wants to be understood…very few take the time to understand!


Your message is all they have to go on to take that first step.  When your message is Consistent, Congruent and Genuine, you will attract people who resonate with that message, who are more willing to trust you and do business with you.


Would you like my “definition” of my Ideal Client?  Maybe she’s yours, too!


She Trusts You

Listens To You

Follows Your Guidance

Forgives You When You Screw Up (And Don’t We All!?)

Buys Again And Again

Sends You Endless Referrals

Becomes A Raving Fan (Online And Off!)


What do you think?  Would you like more of these?  Then get your message really clear so they can see you and begin to trust you.

Carpe Diem!

Emerson Brantley

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