What if you can KNOW…
- The inner mind of your prospect and what they feel? You CAN.
- The reasons why they buy in such detail that you can speak directly to their drivers – the emotional, intuitive feelings that compel them to want to do business with you…or not. You WILL.
- They already believe and trust that you – and you alone – are their very best option… even if they haven’t found you yet! They DO.
It All Starts With One Question: “Why?”
“Strategy comes from knowing your Vision and Value.
“Your Why gives you your Vision.
“Their Why gives you your Value. It all starts with Why.”
–Emerson Brantley
Knowing your “WHY,” and even more importantly, the “Whys” your Ideal Clients need answered before they decide you and you alone are who they want to do business with, is the key to having a powerful, successful Marketing Strategy.
Most marketers skip this first critical step completely, choosing Who they think they want, or What they think will sell…before knowing their Why first.
It may seem like determining Who you want or don’t want is pretty straightforward, but you need to know your Why before you even figure out your Who! You need to know Why they’re going to buy from you to help you understand Who they are in the first place.
Once you get the Why dialed in…
Knowing their Why determines Your Who,
knowing Your Who determines your What.
These Are The Core To Creating Your Powerful Marketing Strategy.
All of your Tactical options — the Where, When and How marketing decisions about your Message and Methods – all become fairly easy once your Strategy is clear.
After all, it doesn’t matter what online or offline channels or clever message or methods you choose, if you don’t know WHY your prospects will buy from you…why they MUST buy from YOU…you will never achieve the results or growth you want and need.
Invest the time to know their Why FIRST!