We’ve done more than one “under the radar” post over the years, and the concept is one that is amazingly effective, especially if you’re in a crowded market.
Like a stealth fighter coming in under the radar, WEB3Direct crafts elements into your Strategic Marketing that slides in underneath your markets’ primary defenses. We want to get your message through, in ways and words they understand and accept.
Oftentimes, this means mixing traditional approaches with non-traditional, blending public relations with standard advertising or direct response. Or, the focus may be on your products and services in one instance, but on a two-stage or three-stage approach that improves lifetime customer value in another.
Sometimes, something as simple as a carefully-worded guarantee can dramatically change the course of your sales. Yet many never consider their guarantee as the powerful “under the radar” sales tool it can be!
Or, with one industrial client we got a 44-year old government spec amended…to include their exact patented formula. It outperformed every other product on the market, but engineers and purchasing agents had to use the lowest quote for any product that fit the spec.
By thinking outside the box, and making it possible for engineers to specify our product, they could now specify ours even though it cost more than the other “standard spec” products.
There is no one approach to good marketing. It’s more than clever words and flashy campaigns. WEB3Direct utilizes every available tool to get your message through the clutter of today’s media.